By now, you’re sure to have seen or heard about collagen. Recently, collagen has gained even more popularity in powder and supplement forms for its many benefits for your skin, hair, and nails. Many people also boast about collagen supplements improving their joint health!
Though you may think you know the basics about collagen, you’ll be shocked to learn these new tidbits! If you haven’t started taking a collagen supplement yet, these tidbits are great to keep you informed and understand why you’re doing what you’re doing! Keep reading to learn some fascinating things you likely don’t know about collagen.
Collagen Plays A Big Role (30% Of Proteins In Your Body)
Believe it or not, collagen makes up about one-third of all the proteins in your body. As such, you can see why it is essential for healthy skin and healthy joints. There are sixteen different types of collagen found within the body, but most of them are categorized as either type I, II, or III collagen, each of which has a specific role or job.
Origins Of The Word “Collagen”
Most people know what collagen is, but few know its origins. The word collagen comes from the Greek word “kolla”. This word literally translates to glue. This is a great way to make a connection between the meaning of the word and its purpose. Collagen works as a glue in the body, holding together the proteins in our body.
Many years ago, collagen was used to literally create a glue that formed a waterproof seal in rope baskets and containers.
Strange Places To Find Collagen
Although most people associate collagen with hair, skin, and nails, collagen is actually found in other places throughout the body. Collagen is found in the cornea of your eye, blood vessels, the digestive tract, and even your teeth!
Collagen And Aging
Did you know that your body loses its ability to effectively create collagen as you get older? According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, the body loses its ability to create collagen about 1% per year, starting around age 25. This is around the time most people begin considering taking collagen supplements to help support this loss. However, preventing collagen loss in advance never hurts to keep your skin looking healthy and supple.
Collagen And The Relationship With Vitamin C
It is a common misconception that collagen can be created on its own. However, other components such as Vitamin C are necessary to produce collagen. Without enough Vitamin C, your body can struggle to make enough collagen. To help enhance your body’s collagen production, taking Vitamin C supplements is a smart idea. Or, you can enhance your intake of foods rich in Vitamin C.
Importance Of Collagen
Based on these interesting facts, it is obvious how important adequate levels of collagen are for healthy aging and joints. Get started today and help stay proactive against the naturally declining levels of collagen that occur as you age.